Haematoxylum brasiletto,Palo Brasil, Mexican logwood, palo de tinto, Pernambuco

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What parts of Palo Brasil are used?
Palo Brasil utilizes extracts from hardwood chips. The heartwood serves as a dye and for crafting bows used in stringed instruments.
Generally Prepared:
Palo Brasil is commonly prepared as a tea decoction using 1-2 tablespoons of chopped pieces.
Simmered for 15-20 minutes covered, using at least eight ounces of water.
Usually prepared with:
Depending on individual requirements, Palo Brasil is often combined with Bitter Melon, Cinnamon, Juniper, and Uva Ursi for additional benefits.

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Haematoxylum brasiletto,Palo Brasil, Mexican logwood, palo de tinto, PernambucoHaematoxylum brasiletto,Palo Brasil, Mexican logwood, palo de tinto, Pernambuco
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